
to predict spoken languages proficiency level - a Machine Learning algorithm

This is a stand-alone executable package

This python package proposes a comprehensive method for predicting second language proficiency based on; an acoustic model, a language model, and linguistic cognitive ability in a high-entropy free speech. Our method is based on an idea introduced by Kroll, J. F., Michael, E., Tokowicz, N., & Dufour, R. “The development of lexical fluency in a second language” (Juornal of Second Language Research 2002). Our proposed method for predicting second language proficiency uses as input learner’s acoustic features and linguistic cognition aptitude data. The method produced promising results with the predictive power as high as 70 %. Acoustic features and linguistic cognitive ability are measured through speaking tasks, which include: reading-loud tasks, introducing what being seen task, listening and summarizing tasks, and free speech tasks. Each type of the tasks is related to a different linguistic function in the brain and delivers in the spoken mode. After measuring the learner’s acoustic features and linguistic factors, the result is fed as input for a machine learning model, which makes predictions for the corresponding language proficiency level.

In training the linguistic proficiency classifier, we used Logistic Regression (LR), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Classification and Regression Trees (CART), Gaussian Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM). This is a good mixture of simple linear (LR and LDA), nonlinear (KNN, CART, NB and SVM) algorithms. We reset the random number seed before each run to ensure that the evaluation of each algorithm is performed using exactly the same data splits. It ensures the results are directly comparable.

For input data set in our model, we had 697 samples, audio files recorded from non-native speakers. Our classifier showed an accuracy around 70 % in predicting spoken language proficiency level. Among the models, Gaussian Naive Bayes and Linear Discriminant Analysis models produced the best predictive power.

How to use the package


Software requirments : a Standalone Package, just install the package and run

You may run directly the package, My_Speaking_Skills_Assessment directly on a local computer. The package allows its code to be compiled standalone without installing any compiler. What you need to do, download the folder called,


extract the two zipped files inside it, save them in one folder which you may call “languagemodelingml” or whatever you wish. Also download the folder called,


wherever you wish on your local machine. The file includes the acoustic and linguistic data. Three files of four include data from a trainee. You will need to develop those files for your trainees if you wish to assess/predict their spoken language proficiency.

Among the extracted files, please double click on the file called,


Windows command line pops up and ask you for the path to the “database”. Please enter the path and hit the enter.

During the execution of the package, different figures pop out that you may save them for further analysis. To continue, please close the figure.


Software requirments:

                        Python 3.7 - 64 bits, 
                        Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017.  

Please download the folder called “database”. The file includes the acoustic and linguistic data. Three files of four include data from a trainee. You will need to develop those files for your trainees if you wish to assess/predict their spoken language proficiency. You need to save “” on your local computer; wherever you wish. Open the file “” in Python shell or Windows terminal and run the program.

please contact me at if you need me to help out

You need to install Python 3 and the following libraries:

1- pandas

2- scipy

3- sklearn

3-1 sklearn.learn.metrics

3-2 sklearn.linear_model

3-3 skearn.tree

3-4 sklearn.neighbors

3-5 sklearn.discriminant_analysis

3-6 sklearn.naive_bayes

3-7 sklearn.svm import SVC

3-8 sklearn.feature_selection

3-9 sklearn.decomposition

3-10 sklearn.ensemble

3-11 sklearn.datasets.samples_generator

4- importlib

5- numpy

6- pickle

7- matplotlib.pyplot


During the execution of the package, different figures pop out that you may save them for further analysis. To continue, please close the figure.

If you need help to create the acoustic features of your trainees to predict their spoken language proficiency, please contsct me at:


you need another algorithm to run and build the acoustic and language features dataset of your trainees.


Myspskills was developed by MYOLUTIONS Lab in Japan. It is part of New Generation of Voice Recognition and Analysis Project in MYSOLUTIONS Lab. That is planned to enrich the functionality of Myspskills by adding more advanced functions.